袖付き気密性ラテックス・バキュームベッド – ソロ使用可能
価格 :15990 CZK
状況 :このアイテムは注文受取り後に採寸オーダーで制作
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex measurements needed for latex vacbed with sleeves


こちらはファスナーのない一方向バルブのついたユニークなデザイン – 他のバキュームベッドとは違い、気密性が高く、掃除機を止めて騒音の無い状態で楽しむことができます。

頭部にある開口部からバキュームベッドの中へ入ります。 取り付けられた袖 – これらは採寸オーダーで、気密性が高くなっております。( またグローブの取り付けも可能です。)

標準的厚さは 0.4mmで、サイズは200x100cmです。より大きなサイズ、より厚くても問題なしで作れます。上部と下部で色や厚さを別々に選ぶこともできます。上部に薄めのもの、下部に厚めの物を選ぶと、押し付ける力が増し、また同時にあなたの体がくっきりと写し出すことができます。

パッケージの内容: ラテックス製の大袋、 一方向自動バルブ装着 掃除機接続用アダプター。(どの機種の掃除機に接続可能)

- 上腕二頭筋の周り
- 手首の周り
- 脇下から手首までの長さ
- 首の周り
- 両袖の間の長さ(V-A –左側の図を参照してください。)
- 首の開口部から両袖までの長さ(V-B)
- バキュームベッドに股間の開口部またはコンドームを取り付ける場合、首の開口部から股間の開口部までの長さ。(V-C)


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オプション 価格 :
あなたのお好みの色0 CZK
standard frame – plastic0 CZK
extra strong stainless steel frame5950 CZK
手 - グローブ付き1650 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性襟付き ( 顔が外に出る )0 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性顔なしマスク付き3900 CZK
標準の厚さ 0.4 mm0 CZK
厚さ 0.5mm – 上下部用500 CZK
厚さ 0.8mm – 下部のみ使用可能1450 CZK
厚さ 1.1mm – 下部のみ使用可能2249 CZK
気密性股間ホール ( 気密性は男性用のみ )170 CZK
気密性ペニス・シース付き1200 CZK
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame ) 990 CZK

こちらはファスナーのない一方向バルブのついたユニークなデザイン – 他のバキュームベッドとは違い、気密性が高く、掃除機を止めて騒音の無い状態で楽しむことができます。

頭部にある開口部からバキュームベッドの中へ入ります。 取り付けられた袖 – これらは採寸オーダーで、気密性が高くなっております。( またグローブの取り付けも可能です。)

標準的厚さは 0.4mmで、サイズは200x100cmです。より大きなサイズ、より厚くても問題なしで作れます。上部と下部で色や厚さを別々に選ぶこともできます。上部に薄めのもの、下部に厚めの物を選ぶと、押し付ける力が増し、また同時にあなたの体がくっきりと写し出すことができます。

パッケージの内容: ラテックス製の大袋、 一方向自動バルブ装着 掃除機接続用アダプター。(どの機種の掃除機に接続可能)

- 上腕二頭筋の周り
- 手首の周り
- 脇下から手首までの長さ
- 首の周り
- 両袖の間の長さ(V-A –左側の図を参照してください。)
- 首の開口部から両袖までの長さ(V-B)
- バキュームベッドに股間の開口部またはコンドームを取り付ける場合、首の開口部から股間の開口部までの長さ。(V-C)


オプション 価格 :
あなたのお好みの色0 CZK
standard frame – plastic0 CZK
extra strong stainless steel frame5950 CZK
手 - グローブ付き1650 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性襟付き ( 顔が外に出る )0 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性顔なしマスク付き3900 CZK
標準の厚さ 0.4 mm0 CZK
厚さ 0.5mm – 上下部用500 CZK
厚さ 0.8mm – 下部のみ使用可能1450 CZK
厚さ 1.1mm – 下部のみ使用可能2249 CZK
気密性股間ホール ( 気密性は男性用のみ )170 CZK
気密性ペニス・シース付き1200 CZK
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame ) 990 CZK
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex
airtight latex vacuumbed with sleeves and collar in metallic red 0.4mm latex

Vacbed – manual

Dear Customer,
You will have lots of fun with this vacbed . However , there are some rules , which need to be adhered to in order to operate it safely . We have prepared few tips for you . Please read them before you using the vacbed .

The latex sack of the vacbed is covered with talcum powder , which protects it during transport and keeps the latex from sticking to itself . Before first use , wash the latex sack with soap and water on both sides , let it dry and then apply latex polish both on inside and outside .

Because the entry opening is small , you need to assemble the frame inside the sack . Start with the pipe at the feet and work your way to the top pipe behind the head . The valve should be inserted into sleeve from inside and then joined with frame . The sleeve should be smooth around the valve , free of any wrinkles - thru them air may penetrate into the vacbed . It helps to lubricate the pipes and the inside of the sack with latex polish ( do not use talc on inside of vacbed - it may cause valve malfunction) .

Entry is thru the neck opening . Latex is stretchy enough for entire body to squeeze thru . Grab the neck opening with both hands and expand it enough so you can squeeze gradually your legs and body thru it . However , you need to be very carefull to not to pull with your fingernails – under tension , latex may rip . When your body is inside , insert your hands into the sleeves . It helps , if they are lubricated with latex polish-lubricant on inside . Then smooth out any wrinkles on the collar / hood and the sleees to keep the air from getting in .

Safety first ! Before you turn the vacuumcleaner on , make sure :
that you can move your hands freely to access the valve , vacuumcleaner and your neck
that the collar / hood is not choking you and that it doesnt restrict your bloodflow . Same applies to the sleeves

Attach vacumcleaner to the vacbed . When the air is completely evacuated , disconnect the vacuumcleaner from vacbed and then turn it off . If you turn the vacuumcleaner off , while still conneced to vacbed , some air may get back into the vacbed , because for proper function , the valve needs sudden pressure change .

Simply pull the collar / hood away from your neck . Vacbed will instantly inflate . Then pull your hands out of the sleeves and squeeze them around your neck outside . Now using your hands to expand the neck opening , get the rest of the body out .

After each use , wash the vacbed with soap and water ( both inside and outside ) . Then let it dry on dark and cool place . After it dries on one side , turn it inside out , so both sides can dry .

If the vacbed holds vacuum for no more than five minutes or so , you need to find the leak . Usually its caused by some wrinkle somewhere . Check that the collar / hood seals around your neck properly . Check the sleeve around the valve . Check sleeves and make sure that they are wrinkle-free and that they seal properly around your wrist . If this doesn´t help , check the valve : dip about 2 cm of the narrow end of the valve in the water and try blowing into it from other side . There must be no bubbles coming out of it . If bubbles do come out , try running some water thru it , let it dry completely and then put few drops of silicone oil into it ( from the narrow side ) . Then test it again .

If you have any problems whatsoever and you don´t find answer in this manual , please feel free to ask questions . We wish you many pleasant moments with our latex vacbed.

Your Eurocatsuits.com
忘れずに注文に加えてください: タルク ( 着用が楽になります ) - とラテックス光沢剤 ( ラテックスの艶・光沢が増します )
299 CZK
ラテックス光沢剤 &潤滑剤
440 CZK
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
449 CZK

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