Care for Latex
Latex is high quality natural material . In order to preserve its qualities for a long time , we bring you several tips how to care for it :

Dressing up :
firstly , take off all jewelery , which can damage the latex with its sharp edges . If you have long fingernails , great attention is needed to avoid ripping the latex with them . powder the inner side of the latex with talc ( can be obtained in our eshop ) - it greatly decreases friction and thus makes dressing up much easier . best way to put the clothing on is to use the same technique as when putting on the stockings - roll up all the material into both hands and slowly release it as you pull the clothing on . if you need to adjust the clothing after you put it on , never try to pull it with your fingers - its better to push it with whole palm . This way you avoid risk of ripping a piece of it out . after you put the clothing succesfully on , its best to polish it with latex polish - this way you will achieve same shine as you see in our photos .

Undressing :
is much easier . Its best to be done in shower - simply soap yourself up and then the clothing can be very easily taken off . After you undress , wash the clothing thoroughly with soap and water and dry it both inside and outside .

Storage :
when clean , latex has tendency to stick to itself . Therefore its recommended to powder it with talc to prevent this stickiness . store the latex in dark , cool , dry place . Its best to put it into opaque bag and then into wardrobe - over long period of time even faint light can cause discoloration of latex . do not put any weight on it - after prolonged period of time , creases would appear in the folds .

General guidelines for handling latex :
- for shining up the latex use only pure liquid silicone ( it can be obtained under name „latex polish and lubricant“ in our webshop ) . The very same substance is used for lubricating condoms , so we can guarantee its neutrality to both latex AND your skin . Do not use any industrial-grade sprays .
- natural latex is sensitive to ultraviolet light ( in beginning , it makes the latex to change the color , later the latex looses its elasticity ) . Therefore you need to keep the latex away from direct sunlight .
- grease ( also oils , except for silicone oil ) affect the latex structure and rapidly shorten its lifetime . So keep the latex away from them.
- if you need to clean the latex , use soap and water . Its also safe to use pure alcohol to remove stains . Don´t use anything else for cleaning - some cleaning agents can cause latex to loose its shine or to make it weak .
- keep the latex away from alloys containing copper ( for example brass ) . Copper can cause the latex to change the color ( although its without effect on its strenght , it sure is very unpleasant to have dark smudges from copper on latex catsuit )
- avoid sharp objects with latex . Under normal circumstances , latex is very stretchy and strong . But when it gets damaged , it will continue to rip very easily in that spot .
- avoid heat sources - heat causes the latex to age rapidly , so it would loose its elasticity . Do no iron the latex . do not wash the latex in washing machine nor dry it in dryer

We wish you many pleasant moments with the latex
Don´t forget to add to your order : talc ( makes dressing up easier ) - and latex polish ( enhances natural gloss of latex )
Talc powder
11.94 EUR
Latex polish & lube
17.56 EUR
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
17.92 EUR

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