Udělej si sám - vzduchotěsná latexová vakuová postel
Cena :4290 CZK
Kolik bude stát poštovné ?
Stav :Skladem , odeslání 1-2 pracovní dny
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame detail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail
red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail

Snadný způsob , jak si za malý peníz s trochou zručnosti opatřit vzduchotěsnou latexovou vakuovou postel .

S vyjímkou běžně dostupných nástrojů ( jako např. nůžky apod ) produkt obsahuje téměř vše , co budete pro výrobu a používání vakuové postele potřebovat :

- 2 x 2.5 metrů latexové metráže dle výběru ( šíře 100 cm , viz latexová metráž )
- ventil , který se po vypnutí vysavače automaticky uzavře
- adaptér na připojení vysavače
- latexový průchod na ventil
- latexovou hadičku na dýchání
- lepidlo na latex
- ekologický čistič na latex
- návod na výrobu vakuové postele
- leštidlo na latex - pro zvýšení přirozeného lesku latexu

Volitelně lze objednat spolu s rámem , tyčkou na srolování výlezu a svorkami .

Číst dál
Dostupné doplňky
Doplněk Cena :
Barva dle výběru0 CZK
Tlouštka 0.4 mm - standard0 CZK
tlouštka 0.5mm - za každou stranu500 CZK
tlouštka 0.8mm - možná pouze pro spodek1450 CZK
tlouštka 1.1mm - možná pouze pro spodek2249 CZK
s rámem , těsnící tyčkou a svorkami2740 CZK
Dostupné doplňky
Snadný způsob , jak si za malý peníz s trochou zručnosti opatřit vzduchotěsnou latexovou vakuovou postel .

S vyjímkou běžně dostupných nástrojů ( jako např. nůžky apod ) produkt obsahuje téměř vše , co budete pro výrobu a používání vakuové postele potřebovat :

- 2 x 2.5 metrů latexové metráže dle výběru ( šíře 100 cm , viz latexová metráž )
- ventil , který se po vypnutí vysavače automaticky uzavře
- adaptér na připojení vysavače
- latexový průchod na ventil
- latexovou hadičku na dýchání
- lepidlo na latex
- ekologický čistič na latex
- návod na výrobu vakuové postele
- leštidlo na latex - pro zvýšení přirozeného lesku latexu

Volitelně lze objednat spolu s rámem , tyčkou na srolování výlezu a svorkami .

Dostupné doplňky
Doplněk Cena :
Barva dle výběru0 CZK
Tlouštka 0.4 mm - standard0 CZK
tlouštka 0.5mm - za každou stranu500 CZK
tlouštka 0.8mm - možná pouze pro spodek1450 CZK
tlouštka 1.1mm - možná pouze pro spodek2249 CZK
s rámem , těsnící tyčkou a svorkami2740 CZK
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame . This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
Nezapomeňte k Vaší objednávce přidat mletý mastek k usnadnění oblékání a leštidlo na latex pro zvýšení lesku latexu
Mletý mastek
299 CZK
Leštidlo & lubrikant na latex
440 CZK
Lubrikant na latex na vodní bázi , 600ml
449 CZK

© Eurocatsuits.com 2006-2025
Made in EU ( Czechia ) . Sold exclusively on Eurocatsuits.com .
All images and videos used on this website are our own and we do not permit their use for commercial purposes anywhere else . If you see any item being offered with same image as ours - its pirated image and the item is fake. We dont sell on Ebay nor Aliexpress ... nor do we buy from there . There is fake vendor on Aliexpress , pretending to be Eurocatsuits - beware .