Frequently asked questions

How is my privacy protected ?
As standard , we ship in plain boxes / envelopes . As senders shipping address , my name is used instead of company name . If we have to declare the contents of the package for customs purposes , we declare the contents to be "clothing" or "foil" etc .

How much will be the shipping ?
Shipping costs depend on country of destination and shipping weight . Shipping costs are calculated automatically during checkout . Simply insert item into shopping cart and after you select your country , shipping costs will be calculated before you submit your order .

How to save on shipping costs ?
Shipping costs depend on weight . With rising weight of the package , the shipping costs dont rise lineary - they rise in increments . The border weight is : 100g - 250g - 500g - 1kg - 2kg - 3kg . After 3kg limit , shipping costs start to rise lineary . Also ,over 3kg limit , every additional 1kg causes only small increase in shipping cost . You can take advantage of all that . Instead of making 2 orders - 2.5kg each , make one order of 5kg . When package exceeds weight 2kg , shipping costs rise sharply . However , after 3 kg limit , each additional 1kg causes only about 1.5 EUR increase in shipping costs ( applies for Germany , but the principle is same for all countries ) .

Another way , how to optimize shipping costs is to manipulate weight of your package in order to fall into cheaper shipping category or to use up all available space effectively . Example :

Each product or option has certain weigh . Total weight is displayed in shopping cart . Lets say , that your order weights 1200g . You can do 2 things :
a)if you add more items into shopping cart ( up to 800g ), the shipping will remain the same and shipping those additional items will be in effect free.
b) you can remove 200grams and you will fall into lower price category , so you will save on shipping .

How long it will take to receive my order?
That depends on what you order and where you live . If the item is in stock , we ship it within 1-2 business days , transport in Europe takes about 1 week , outside of Europe 1-2 weeks by airmail , 2-8 weeks with economy class . Its also possible to ship your order with Fedex , which is extremely fast - but it would cost you extra .
Don´t forget to add to your order : talc ( makes dressing up easier ) - and latex polish ( enhances natural gloss of latex )
Talc powder
12.36 USD
Latex polish & lube
18.18 USD
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
18.55 USD

© 2006-2025
Made in EU ( Czechia ) . Sold exclusively on .
All images and videos used on this website are our own and we do not permit their use for commercial purposes anywhere else . If you see any item being offered with same image as ours - its pirated image and the item is fake. We dont sell on Ebay nor Aliexpress ... nor do we buy from there . There is fake vendor on Aliexpress , pretending to be Eurocatsuits - beware .