Latex vacbed 205 x 150 cm - hermética, puedes apagar la aspiradora
Precio: 18900 CZK
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black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame detail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail
red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail

Latex vacbed - size XL - standard dimensions are 205x150 cm . Upon request it is possible to make the bed longer .

This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !

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Opciones disponibles
Latex vacbed - size XL - standard dimensions are 205x150 cm . Upon request it is possible to make the bed longer .

This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame . This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.

Manual de Vacbed

Querido cliente,
Gracias por tu interés en esta vacbed de látex. Obtendrás un montón de diversión con ella. De todas formas, hay algunas reglas que debes seguir para disfrutarla con seguridad. Te damos algunos consejos a continuación. Por favor, leélos antes de usar tu vacbed.

Nunca uses es tipo de vacbed tu sólo. Es un dispositivo de bondage que puede impedirte salir de él sin ayuda del exterior si algo sale mal. Antes de encender la aspiradora, pide permiso a la persona del interior. En caso de emergencia establece una “señal de stop†con tu compañero. Esta señal no debería ser verbal si no gestual, si tienes la vacbed, donde la cabeza también queda en el interior. Una vez se usa esta señal, tu compañero en el exterior, debe parar inmediatamente, liberarte del vacío y ayudarte a salir. La “señal de stop†no debe ignorarse NUNCA. Cuando esás vigilando a alguien en una vacbed no debes déjalo solo nunca, nunca lo pierdas de vista y permanece siempre a unos pocos metros de la vacbed de tal forma que puedas intervenir en caso de necesidad.

En primer lugar, ensambla el marco acorde con el esquema. A continuación coloca el saco de látex en el marco. - primero empuja el saco y la pequeña funda sobre la válvula, y continua con el resto de la vacbed, La funda debe estar floja sobre la válvula y sin dobleces - a través de ella el aire debe penetrar en la vacbed. Esto ayuda a lubricar el interior con abrillantador de silicona (no uses talco dentro de la vacbed- podría causar un mal funcionamiento.

Usando la varilla de aluminio, enrolla el sobrante de la vacbed. Ten cuidado de enrollarla de forma firme y sin dobleces, que puedan causar fugas de aire. A continuación asegura el sellado con las pinzas proporcionadas. Asegúrate de usar tiras gruesas de látex para cubrir las pinzas - esto proteferá el saco de látex de cualquier daño causado por las pinzas.

Conecta la aspiradora a la vacbed. Pregunta a la persona que está en su interior si puede encenderla. Sólo entonces enciéndela. Una vez se haya absorbido todo el aire, desconecta la aspiradora de la vacbed y apágala. Si apagas la aspiradora con ella conectada a la vacbed, se puede introducir algo de aire, para un funcionamiento correcto, la válvula necesita un cambio de presión súbito.

Simplemente desenrolla el sellado de la vacbed y separa las láminas de látex. La vacbed recuperará el aire inmediatamente.

Tras cada uso, lava la vacbed con jabón y agua (tanto en el interior como por el exterior). Déjala secar en un lugar seco y oscuro. Una vez haya secado un lado, dale la vuelta de tal forma que ambas caras pueden secarse.

Si la vacbed mantiene el aire por apenas cinco minutos mas´o menos, necesitas encontrar la fuga. En la mayoría de los casos, la entrada enrollada es la causa. Asegúrate de que no hay pliegues y que ha sido enrollada firmemente, Lubricar esta parte con silicona suele ayudar. Si no ayuda, comprueba la válvula: sumerge aproximadamente 2 cm del extremo de la válvula en el agua y prueba a soplar desde el otro extremo. Deberían salir algunas burbujas. Si estas burbujas aparecen, prueba echando algo de agua a través de él, déjalo secar completamente y entonces pon unas gotas de silicona en su interior (En la parte corta) y pruébala de nuevo.

Si tienes algún problema al cual no encuentras respuesta en este manual, por favor envíanos un mensaje.

Te deseamos que pases unos placenteros momentos con tu vacbed

No te olvides de añadirlo a tu pedido: talco (ayuda a vestirte más facilmente) - y abrillantador de látex (favorece el brillo natural del látex)
Polvos de talco
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Abrillantador para látex & lubricante
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449 CZK

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