Lateks vakuum krevet 205 x 150 cm - nepropustan, moguće je isključiti usisivač
Cijena :642.86 GBP
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Status :Proizvod se izrađuje po mjeri nakon narudžbe
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame detail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail
red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail

Latex vacbed - size XL - standard dimensions are 205x150 cm . Upon request it is possible to make the bed longer .

This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !

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Dostupne opcije
Latex vacbed - size XL - standard dimensions are 205x150 cm . Upon request it is possible to make the bed longer .

This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame . This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.

Vakuum krevet - upute

Dragi kupci,
hvala vam na interesu za ovaj lateks vakuum krevet. Dobro ćete se zabaviti njime. Međutim, postoje određena pravila, kojih se trebate pridržavati za sigurno rukovanje. Pripremili smo nekoliko naputaka za vas. Molimo vas, pročitajte ih prije nego počnete koristiti vakuum krevet.

nikada ne koristite ovaj tip vakuum kreveta sami. To je vrlo jaka naprava za sputavanje pokreta te možda nećete moći izaći iz njega bez pomoći izvana, u slučaju nužde. Prije nego uključite usisivač, provjerite za dopuštenje s osobom unutra. Za slučaj nužde, dogovorite “stop-signal” sa svojim partnerom. Taj signal bi trebao biti neverbalan, ako se radi o krevetu u kojem je glava unutra. Kad osoba unutra upotrijebi signal, partner izvana treba odmah otpustiti vakuum i pomoći joj izaći. “Stop signal” ne smijete NIKADA ignorirati. Dok nadzirete nekoga u vakuum krevetu, nikad ga ne ostavljajte samog, nikad ga ne ispuštajte s vidika te uvijek ostanite na par metara od kreveta, kako biste mogli intervenirati u slučaju potrebe.

Prvo, sastavite okvir prema nacrtu. Zatim prevucite lateks vreću preko okvira - prvo prevucite vreću i kratak rukavac preko ventila, a zatim preko ostatka kreveta. Rukavac bi trebao biti gladak oko ventila, bez nabora - jer kroz njih bi se zrak mogao vratiti u krevet. Pomaže ako podmažete unutrašnjost sjajilom za lateks ( ne koristite talk puder unutar vakuum kreveta - može prouzrokovati kvar ventila) .

Koristeći aluminijski štap, smotajte preostalu duljinu lateks vreće. Pripazite da motate snažno i bez nabora koji bi mogli dopustiti ulazak zraka. Zatim, osigurajte štap pomoću štipaljki. Pripazite da koristite debele trake lateksa ispod štipaljki, kako biste spriječili oštećenja na vreći.

Spojite usisivač na vakuum krevet. Upitajte osobu unutra za dopuštenje da se uključi. Tek tada uključite usisivač. Kada je zrak ispražnjen, odvojite usisivač od kreveta i isključite ga. Ako isključite usisivač dok je još spojen na vakuum krevet, nešto zraka bi moglo ponovno ući u krevet jer ventil treba naglu promjenu tlaka za pravilan rad.

Jednostavno odmotajte otvor vakuum kreveta i razdvojite slojeve lateksa. Vakuum krevet će se trenutačno napuhnuti.

Nakon svake upotrebe, operite vakuum krevet sapunom i vodom ( iznutra i izvana ). Zatim pustite da se osuši na tamnom i hladnom mjestu. Nakon što se posuši na jednoj strani, preokrenite ga na drugu stranu, da obje strane budu suhe.

Ako vakuum krevet ne drži vakuum dulje od 5 minuta, morate pronaći gdje propušta. U većini slučajeva, smotani otvor je razlog propuštanja. Pripazite da nema apsolutno nikakvih nabora i da je čvrsto smotan. Podmazivanje silikonom može također pomoći. Ako ni to ne pomaže, provjerite ventil: uronite 2 cm užeg kraja u vodu te pokušaje puhnuti kroz njega sa suprotne strane. Ne bi se smjeli stvarati mjehurići. Ako pak izlaze mjehurići, pokušajte ga isprati vodom, potpuno osušite i stavite par kapi silikonskog ulja ( s uže strane ). Zatim pokušajte ponovno.

Ako imate bilo kakvih problema koje ne možete riješiti uz pomoć ovih uputa, slobodno nam se obratite .

Želimo vam mnogo ugodnih trenutaka s vašim lateks vakuum krevetom.

Ne zaboravite dodati: talk puder ( olakšava odijevanje ) - i sjajilo za lateks ( pojačava prirodni sjaj lateksa )
Talk puder
10.17 GBP
Sjajilo za lateks & lubrikant
14.97 GBP
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
15.27 GBP

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