価格 :20200 CZK
状況 :このアイテムは注文受取り後に採寸オーダーで制作
airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame
airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame


仕組み: 中に入った後、開口部内側のファスナーを閉め、ラテックスのトンネル口を巻いて閉じます。空気を抜いた後、掃除機を外してご使用できます。

標準的厚さは00.4mmで、サイズは90cmX90cmX90cmです。 お客様のお求めのサイズに問題なく作ることが出来ます。(また立方体でなくても構いません。)

パッケージ内容:ラテックス製の大袋、自動一方向バルブ付きのアルミ製の枠組み、 密封用ロッド、密封用ロッドを固定するためのクランプ、掃除機接続用アダプター(全ての掃除機に接続できます。)


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仕組み: 中に入った後、開口部内側のファスナーを閉め、ラテックスのトンネル口を巻いて閉じます。空気を抜いた後、掃除機を外してご使用できます。

標準的厚さは00.4mmで、サイズは90cmX90cmX90cmです。 お客様のお求めのサイズに問題なく作ることが出来ます。(また立方体でなくても構いません。)

パッケージ内容:ラテックス製の大袋、自動一方向バルブ付きのアルミ製の枠組み、 密封用ロッド、密封用ロッドを固定するためのクランプ、掃除機接続用アダプター(全ての掃除機に接続できます。)

airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame. Click to see full resolution image.
airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame. Click to see full resolution image.
airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame. Click to see full resolution image.
airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame. Click to see full resolution image.
airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame. Click to see full resolution image.
airtight latex vacuumcube in metallic black , with stailess steel frame. Click to see full resolution image.

Vacuum cube - manual

Dear Customer,
You will have lots of fun with latex cube you have just received . However , there are some rules , which need to be adhered to in order to operate it safely . We have prepared few tips for you . Please read them before you use the cube .

- never use this type of cube alone . It is very strong bondage device and you may not be able to get out without help from outside , if anything goes wrong .
- Before turning the vacuumcleaner ON , ask for permission from the person inside .
- For case of emergency , establish “stop-signal” with your partner . Whenever this signal is used , partner on outside should immediately release the vacuum and help you to get out . “Stop signal” must NEVER be ignored .
- When you are watching over somebody in cube , never leave him alone , never let him out of sight and always stay within few metres of the cube , so you can intervene in case of need .

The latex sack of the cube is covered with talcum powder , which protects it during transport and keeps the latex from sticking to itself . Before first use , wash the latex sack with soap and water on both sides , let it dry and then apply latex polish both on inside and outside .

We recommend that two people do the assembly - one holds up the latex sack , the other assembles the frame . Because the entry opening is small , you need to assemble the frame inside the sack . All parts of the frame are inserted inside via the entry opening . It helps to lubricate the pipes and the inside of the sack with latex polish ( do not use talc on inside of cube - it may cause valve malfunction) .

- the cube should stand on soft ground ( carpet is perfect .... or lay piece of clotch or latex underneath ) - do no press from above onto the cube ... yen you are insede the cube , you are actually sitting / standing on the ground - when moving the cube , be gentle . If you drop it on the ground sharply , the corners migh bite thru the latex

Zip up the entrance . Using the aluminium rod , roll up the latex tunnel . Take care to roll it up tightly and without any wrinkles , which may cause air leakage . Then , secure the seal with supplied clamps . Make sure to use thick stripes of latex to underlay under the clamps - this is to protect latex sack from any possible damage by clamps .

Attach vacumcleaner to the cube . Ask the person inside for permission to turn it on . Only then turn the vacuumcleaner on . When the air is completely evacuated , disconnect the vacuumcleaner from cube and then turn it off . If you turn the vacuumcleaner off , while still conneced to cube , some air may get back into the cube , because for proper function , the valve needs sudden pressure change .

Simply unroll and unzip the entrance to let the air in.

After each use , wash the cube with soap and water ( both inside and outside ) . Then let it dry on dark and cool place . After it dries on one side , turn it inside out , so both sides can dry .

If the cube holds vacuum for no more than five minutes or so , you need to find the leak : Check the valve : dip about 2 cm of the narrow end of the valve in the water and try blowing into it from other side . There must be no bubbles coming out of it . If bubbles do come out , try running some water thru it , let it dry completely and then put few drops of silicone oil into it ( from the narrow side ) . Then test it again . Make sure that the sleeve around the valve is wrinkle-freeb .

If you have any problems whatsoever and you don´t find answer in this manual , please feel free to ask questions . We wish you many pleasant moments with our latex cube

Your Eurocatsuits.com
忘れずに注文に加えてください: タルク ( 着用が楽になります ) - とラテックス光沢剤 ( ラテックスの艶・光沢が増します )
299 CZK
ラテックス光沢剤 &潤滑剤
440 CZK
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
449 CZK

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