Dette er et veldig sterkt og effektiv bondage utstyr som tillater deg tilgang overalt til personen på innsiden. Til forskjell fra vakuumutstyr fra andre produsenter, så er denne luft-tett og du kan nyte den uten støyen fra støvsugeren som står og går.
Hvordan virker det: etter at du er inne i den blir hele glidelåsen forseglet ved å rulle lateks tunnelen rundt den. Etter at lufta er sugd ut så kan du slå av støvsugeren.
Standard tykkelsen er 0.4mm, størrelse 90x90x90 cm. Det er ingen problemer å lage kuben i hvilken som helst størrelse du ønsker ( det trenger ikke engang å være en kube ).
Pakken inneholder: lateks sekk, ramme utstyrt med enveis ventil, forseglingsstang, klemmer til fiksering av forseglingsstanga, adapter til støvsugerforbindelsen ( passer alle støvsugere ).
Det er også et mangfold i tilleggsvalg, sjekk dem ut !
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Tilgjengelige valg
Dette er et veldig sterkt og effektiv bondage utstyr som tillater deg tilgang overalt til personen på innsiden. Til forskjell fra vakuumutstyr fra andre produsenter, så er denne luft-tett og du kan nyte den uten støyen fra støvsugeren som står og går.
Hvordan virker det: etter at du er inne i den blir hele glidelåsen forseglet ved å rulle lateks tunnelen rundt den. Etter at lufta er sugd ut så kan du slå av støvsugeren.
Standard tykkelsen er 0.4mm, størrelse 90x90x90 cm. Det er ingen problemer å lage kuben i hvilken som helst størrelse du ønsker ( det trenger ikke engang å være en kube ).
Pakken inneholder: lateks sekk, ramme utstyrt med enveis ventil, forseglingsstang, klemmer til fiksering av forseglingsstanga, adapter til støvsugerforbindelsen ( passer alle støvsugere ).
Det er også et mangfold i tilleggsvalg, sjekk dem ut !
Vacuum cube - manual
Dear Customer,
You will have lots of fun with latex cube you have just received . However , there are some rules , which need to be adhered to in order to operate it safely . We have prepared few tips for you . Please read them before you use the cube .
- never use this type of cube alone . It is very strong bondage device and you may not be able to get out without help from outside , if anything goes wrong .
- Before turning the vacuumcleaner ON , ask for permission from the person inside .
- For case of emergency , establish “stop-signal” with your partner . Whenever this signal is used , partner on outside should immediately release the vacuum and help you to get out . “Stop signal” must NEVER be ignored .
- When you are watching over somebody in cube , never leave him alone , never let him out of sight and always stay within few metres of the cube , so you can intervene in case of need .
The latex sack of the cube is covered with talcum powder , which protects it during transport and keeps the latex from sticking to itself . Before first use , wash the latex sack with soap and water on both sides , let it dry and then apply latex polish both on inside and outside .
We recommend that two people do the assembly - one holds up the latex sack , the other assembles the frame . Because the entry opening is small , you need to assemble the frame inside the sack . All parts of the frame are inserted inside via the entry opening . It helps to lubricate the pipes and the inside of the sack with latex polish ( do not use talc on inside of cube - it may cause valve malfunction) .
- the cube should stand on soft ground ( carpet is perfect .... or lay piece of clotch or latex underneath )
- do no press from above onto the cube ... yen you are insede the cube , you are actually sitting / standing on the ground
- when moving the cube , be gentle . If you drop it on the ground sharply , the corners migh bite thru the latex
Zip up the entrance . Using the aluminium rod , roll up the latex tunnel . Take care to roll it up tightly and without any wrinkles , which may cause air leakage . Then , secure the seal with supplied clamps . Make sure to use thick stripes of latex to underlay under the clamps - this is to protect latex sack from any possible damage by clamps .
Attach vacumcleaner to the cube . Ask the person inside for permission to turn it on . Only then turn the vacuumcleaner on . When the air is completely evacuated , disconnect the vacuumcleaner from cube and then turn it off . If you turn the vacuumcleaner off , while still conneced to cube , some air may get back into the cube , because for proper function , the valve needs sudden pressure change .
Simply unroll and unzip the entrance to let the air in.
After each use , wash the cube with soap and water ( both inside and outside ) . Then let it dry on dark and cool place . After it dries on one side , turn it inside out , so both sides can dry .
If the cube holds vacuum for no more than five minutes or so , you need to find the leak : Check the valve : dip about 2 cm of the narrow end of the valve in the water and try blowing into it from other side . There must be no bubbles coming out of it . If bubbles do come out , try running some water thru it , let it dry completely and then put few drops of silicone oil into it ( from the narrow side ) . Then test it again . Make sure that the sleeve around the valve is wrinkle-freeb .
If you have any problems whatsoever and you don´t find answer in this manual , please feel free to ask questions .
We wish you many pleasant moments with our latex cube
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