脱着用ファスナーあり採寸オーダーのキャットスーツ , ワンピース・タイプ
価格 :12200 CZK
状況 :このアイテムは注文受取り後に採寸オーダーで制作
made-to-measure latex catsuit with zipper - basic model with no options
made-to-measure latex catsuit with zipper - basic model with no options made-to-measure latex catsuit with zipper - basic model - zipper on back + separate zipper in crotch made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks
made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks - showing also hidden zipper option made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks

フィット感: 採寸オーダーでぴったりフィット。 どんな体型でもフィットするようにお約束します。男性また女性、体に合わせて密着させるようにします。たるんだ袖、息苦しいほどきつい衿元、短い裾などもうありません!
- ファスナーのスタイル: ファスナーのスタイルはご自分でお選びいただけます。(標準的なファスナーのスタイルは下のオプション表に挙げていますが、ご注文に応じてどんなスタイルでもお受けいたします。)
- 裂けやすいところを補強: 脇下や股間部を補強。ファスナーの端とファスナー自体も補強。また、ファスナー自体もラバー化されているので、ラテックスが剥がれ始める心配はありません。
- シーム: 溶接にように防水、気密性、耐水性に優れ、なおかつ伸縮性のあるシーム。 加硫剤 配合の接着剤が強力なシームを作り上げました。いくらシームに負担がかかっても、そこから裂けることはなく、スーツ本体が裂けたとしても、シームは接合したままでしょう。シームが剥がれることは絶対にありえません。保証いたします!
- 厚さ: キャットスーツの標準的厚さは0.4 mmです。(オプションとして0.5mm、0.8mm、01.1mm、3mmが選べます。) もし光沢のあるぴったりフィットなキャットスーツをお求めで、厚さ選びに自信のない方は、0.4mmを選ぶようお勧めします。


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オプション 価格 :
あなたのお好みの色0 CZK
厚さ 0.25mm1200 CZK
厚さ 0.4mm0 CZK
厚さ 0.5mm499 CZK
厚さ 0.8mm1450 CZK
厚さ 1.1mm2990 CZK
隠しファスナー799 CZK
ファスナー・フラップあり550 CZK
採寸オーダーのラテックス・マスク付き -別途カートに入れる5150 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性顔なしマスク付き3800 CZK
足- 取り付けられたスタンダード・ソックス1750 CZK
足- 取り付けられた採寸オーダー・ソックス4150 CZK
手 - グローブ付き1650 CZK
キャット・テール付き3700 CZK
ペニス・シース付き1250 CZK
補強加工されたペニスホール550 CZK
In rear – attached anal condom1250 CZK
バックファスナーのみ0 CZK
フロントファスナーのみ , 首からおへそまで0 CZK
バックファスナー、 股間を通ってフロントまで、 スライダー3つ0 CZK
フロントファスナー、首から股間と通ってお尻まで、スライダ−3つ0 CZK
バックファスナーと股間ファスナー , 股間ファスナーはスライダ−2つ0 CZK
肩ファスナーのみ0 CZK
肩ファスナーと股間ファスナー , 股間ファスナーはスライダ−2つ1050 CZK
breast cups ( made to measure )2200 CZK
full collar0 CZK
low collar0 CZK
no collar0 CZK
low neckline0 CZK
with lockable zipper flap – keeps the zipper from being opened1050 CZK
フィット感: 採寸オーダーでぴったりフィット。 どんな体型でもフィットするようにお約束します。男性また女性、体に合わせて密着させるようにします。たるんだ袖、息苦しいほどきつい衿元、短い裾などもうありません!
- ファスナーのスタイル: ファスナーのスタイルはご自分でお選びいただけます。(標準的なファスナーのスタイルは下のオプション表に挙げていますが、ご注文に応じてどんなスタイルでもお受けいたします。)
- 裂けやすいところを補強: 脇下や股間部を補強。ファスナーの端とファスナー自体も補強。また、ファスナー自体もラバー化されているので、ラテックスが剥がれ始める心配はありません。
- シーム: 溶接にように防水、気密性、耐水性に優れ、なおかつ伸縮性のあるシーム。 加硫剤 配合の接着剤が強力なシームを作り上げました。いくらシームに負担がかかっても、そこから裂けることはなく、スーツ本体が裂けたとしても、シームは接合したままでしょう。シームが剥がれることは絶対にありえません。保証いたします!
- 厚さ: キャットスーツの標準的厚さは0.4 mmです。(オプションとして0.5mm、0.8mm、01.1mm、3mmが選べます。) もし光沢のあるぴったりフィットなキャットスーツをお求めで、厚さ選びに自信のない方は、0.4mmを選ぶようお勧めします。


オプション 価格 :
あなたのお好みの色0 CZK
厚さ 0.25mm1200 CZK
厚さ 0.4mm0 CZK
厚さ 0.5mm499 CZK
厚さ 0.8mm1450 CZK
厚さ 1.1mm2990 CZK
隠しファスナー799 CZK
ファスナー・フラップあり550 CZK
採寸オーダーのラテックス・マスク付き -別途カートに入れる5150 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性顔なしマスク付き3800 CZK
足- 取り付けられたスタンダード・ソックス1750 CZK
足- 取り付けられた採寸オーダー・ソックス4150 CZK
手 - グローブ付き1650 CZK
キャット・テール付き3700 CZK
ペニス・シース付き1250 CZK
補強加工されたペニスホール550 CZK
In rear – attached anal condom1250 CZK
バックファスナーのみ0 CZK
フロントファスナーのみ , 首からおへそまで0 CZK
バックファスナー、 股間を通ってフロントまで、 スライダー3つ0 CZK
フロントファスナー、首から股間と通ってお尻まで、スライダ−3つ0 CZK
バックファスナーと股間ファスナー , 股間ファスナーはスライダ−2つ0 CZK
肩ファスナーのみ0 CZK
肩ファスナーと股間ファスナー , 股間ファスナーはスライダ−2つ1050 CZK
breast cups ( made to measure )2200 CZK
full collar0 CZK
low collar0 CZK
no collar0 CZK
low neckline0 CZK
with lockable zipper flap – keeps the zipper from being opened1050 CZK

made-to-measure latex catsuit with zipper - basic model with no options
made-to-measure latex catsuit with zipper - basic model - zipper on back + separate zipper in crotch
made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks
made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks
made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks
made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks - showing also hidden zipper option
made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks
made-to-measure latex catsuit with attached latex mask , gloves and socks
made-to-measure latex catsuit - zipper in crotch , 2 sliders

Latex catsuit - care

Dear Customer ,
Congratulations to your purchase of Eurocatsuits catsuit . Latex catsuit , which you have just received , is made in EU , using the finest natural latex . To preserve its high qualities for a long time , we have prepared few tips and tricks for you ..

Before you dress : Latex on its own is very hard to put on - the suit is made smaller than you , to make it fit snugly . However , if you powder the inside with talc or apply silicone lubricant , dressing would be easy ( both can be purchased in our webshop ) .Take off all rings , earrings - anything that has edges on it . If your fingernails are long , we recommend trimming them . When you want to grasp the latex , use whole palm , not only two fingers ( thumb and index finger ) . Latex is delicate material and can be scratched or even torn , if handled without proper care - so when dressing , take your time , don´t hurry .

Putting the suit on :
- first , put the legs on - use the same technique as for stockings . Only after the legs are pulled up in proper position , pull the rest of the catsuit above hips . Make sure , that the crotch of the catsuit fist snugly against your crotch . If it sits lower , you would be missing material for upper part of the torso .
pull the torso of the catsuit up and then use the same techniques for arms as you used for legs . Put one sleeve on and pull it all the way to the armpit . Only then put the other sleeve on .
make sure , that armpits of the catsuit fit snugly against your armpits . If they are too low , you need to pull the sleeve up or pull the torso up - otherwise the arm movement would stress the armpit of the catsuit , which can , after some time , lead to failture in this area .
- only after the armpits are in proper position , you can start closing the zipper . Its always better , if you have somebody to help you with this , especially when the zipper os in the back .
a) if you have somebody to help : pull the two sides of zipper together and only then move the slider upwards . If you try to move the slider with zipper wide open , it puts great stress on the slider and it may cause zipper failture . Never use force to close the zipper . The slider has built-in safety pin to prevent spontaneous movement , so you need to pull the handle up as well as out to unlock it .
b) if the zipper is on back and you don´t have anybody to help , never mind - take a shoelace and attach it to the handle of the slider . Then put one hand behind you back and use it to pull the sides of zipper together . Use the other hand to pull on the shoelace and this way close the zipper . Then remove the shoelace . Although this requires some practice , you will be able to dress easily after some time .

Polishing the latex : Latex on its own is shiny - however , to make it as shiny as you see on our website , you have to polish it . Simply apply small amount of polish on the latex and spread it with hand or cloth . Like this , you can achieve same results as you see on our photos . Latex polish can be obtained in our webshop .

Wearing the catsuit : Always be carefull when wearing latex - although natural latex is great material , its very thin and delicate . It can be torn , if you accidentaly hit sharp edge of furniture or if you grasp it with fingernail . Avoid any sharp objects . Do not lift or extend forward your arms too much - the material around the armpit (thats the most stressed area of the catsuit ) is stretched excessively this way and after some time , it can become so weak , that it can rip here , even if you stretch it less than before .

Undressing : this is much easier than putting the suit on . Its best to undress in shower - simply soap the catsuit on outside and pull it off . After you undress , hand-wash the catsuit with soap and water , then hang-dry it . You will need to reverse the suit while drying - latex is not porous , so it wouldn´t dry on inside .

Storage : When latex is clean , it is so smooth , that it sticks to itself . So its better to powder it with talc - you will prevent the sticking this way . Store the catsuit in dry , cool , dark place - ideally in drawer . We do not recommend hanging it on coat hangers - they may make imprints into latex .

General principles for handling latex :
latex is sensitive to ultraviolet light - at first , it causes discoloration of latex , later it causes latex to loose strenght and elasticity . Do now expose it to direct sunshine . Even reagullar daylight can damage the latex after prolonged period of the time .
grease and oils ( except for silicone oil ) damage latex and decrease its strengt and elasticity .
whenever you need to clean the latex , use soap and water . Always hand-wash it . Its also safe to use alcohol to clean local stains . Do not use other cleaners for latex .
do not expose latex to high temperatures ( heaters , open fire ) . Do not iron the latex .
don´t wash the latex in washing machine or dry it in dryer . Do not iron it .
avoid contact with metals containing copper ( except for copper itself also brass , bronze ) . This includes coins or keys . Under certain conditions , copper can react with latex and cause discoloration .

We wish you many pleasant moments with our latex catsuit

Your Eurocatsuits.com team
忘れずに注文に加えてください: タルク ( 着用が楽になります ) - とラテックス光沢剤 ( ラテックスの艶・光沢が増します )
299 CZK
ラテックス光沢剤 &潤滑剤
440 CZK
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
449 CZK

© Eurocatsuits.com 2006-2024
Made in EU ( Czechia ) . Sold exclusively on Eurocatsuits.com .
All images and videos used on this website are our own and we do not permit their use for commercial purposes anywhere else . If you see any item being offered with same image as ours - its pirated image and the item is fake. We dont sell on Ebay nor Aliexpress ... nor do we buy from there . There is fake vendor on Aliexpress , pretending to be Eurocatsuits - beware .