Latex sleep bag – made to measure
価格 :6300 CZK
状況 :このアイテムは注文受取り後に採寸オーダーで制作
latex sleep bag - mummy bag latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement
latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement
latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement latex sleepbag - bodybag , with vacuum attachement
latex sleep bag - mummy bag measurements

Latex sleepbag , made to measure just for you . With few options added , it can be turned into full mummy bag with attached inner sleeves and attached mask.

After you order , please send following measurements by email ( see scheme on the left side ) :

SB-A : neck circumference
SB-B : circumference around shoulders
SB-C : circumference around hips , arms included
SB-D : circumference around knees
SB-E : circumference around ankles
SB-F : foot length
SB-G : distance from ground
SB-H : distance from ground
SB-I : distance from ground
SB-J : distance from ground

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オプション 価格 :
あなたのお好みの色0 CZK
厚さ 0.25mm1200 CZK
厚さ 0.4mm0 CZK
厚さ 0.5mm499 CZK
厚さ 0.8mm1450 CZK
厚さ 1.1mm2990 CZK
採寸オーダーのラテックス・マスク付き -別途カートに入れる5150 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性顔なしマスク付き3800 CZK
ペニス・シース付き1250 CZK
補強加工されたペニスホール550 CZK
In rear – attached anal condom1250 CZK
with inner sleeves – they hold hands in place2900 CZK
With vacuumcleaner attachement and with valve1650 CZK
front zipper1050 CZK
front zipper , extends over the crotch , 3 sliders1150 CZK
rear zipper (must be selected , if mask is attached )1490 CZK
Latex sleepbag , made to measure just for you . With few options added , it can be turned into full mummy bag with attached inner sleeves and attached mask.

After you order , please send following measurements by email ( see scheme on the left side ) :

SB-A : neck circumference
SB-B : circumference around shoulders
SB-C : circumference around hips , arms included
SB-D : circumference around knees
SB-E : circumference around ankles
SB-F : foot length
SB-G : distance from ground
SB-H : distance from ground
SB-I : distance from ground
SB-J : distance from ground

オプション 価格 :
あなたのお好みの色0 CZK
厚さ 0.25mm1200 CZK
厚さ 0.4mm0 CZK
厚さ 0.5mm499 CZK
厚さ 0.8mm1450 CZK
厚さ 1.1mm2990 CZK
採寸オーダーのラテックス・マスク付き -別途カートに入れる5150 CZK
採寸オーダーの気密性顔なしマスク付き3800 CZK
ペニス・シース付き1250 CZK
補強加工されたペニスホール550 CZK
In rear – attached anal condom1250 CZK
with inner sleeves – they hold hands in place2900 CZK
With vacuumcleaner attachement and with valve1650 CZK
front zipper1050 CZK
front zipper , extends over the crotch , 3 sliders1150 CZK
rear zipper (must be selected , if mask is attached )1490 CZK

忘れずに注文に加えてください: タルク ( 着用が楽になります ) - とラテックス光沢剤 ( ラテックスの艶・光沢が増します )
299 CZK
ラテックス光沢剤 &潤滑剤
440 CZK
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
449 CZK

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Made in EU ( Czechia ) . Sold exclusively on .
All images and videos used on this website are our own and we do not permit their use for commercial purposes anywhere else . If you see any item being offered with same image as ours - its pirated image and the item is fake. We dont sell on Ebay nor Aliexpress ... nor do we buy from there . There is fake vendor on Aliexpress , pretending to be Eurocatsuits - beware .