Here you will find surplus items at discounted prices .
Scraps of latex sheeting 1 Kg

Price :28.91 GBP

scraps of latex sheeting , 1 KG ( in thickness 0,4mm that would be about 2,5 square metres ) . Mixed colors / thicknesses , which you cannot choose . Size of pieces between 10x20cm and 100 x 90 cm . Sold by 1 KG .


NEW VACBED : bottom black 0,4mm / top black 0,4mm , airtight-attached breathing hose

Price :
with plastic frame = 442.18 GBP
with stainless steel frame = 644.56 GBP
black latex vacbed with stainless steel frame for vacuum bondage

Don´t forget to add to your order : talc ( makes dressing up easier ) - and latex polish ( enhances natural gloss of latex )
Talc powder
10.17 GBP
Latex polish & lube
14.97 GBP
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
15.27 GBP

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Made in EU ( Czechia ) . Sold exclusively on .
All images and videos used on this website are our own and we do not permit their use for commercial purposes anywhere else . If you see any item being offered with same image as ours - its pirated image and the item is fake. We dont sell on Ebay nor Aliexpress ... nor do we buy from there . There is fake vendor on Aliexpress , pretending to be Eurocatsuits - beware .