Rezervna lateks vreća za vakuum krevet
Cijena :295.92 GBP
Koliko će iznositi poštarina ?
Status :Proizvod se izrađuje po mjeri nakon narudžbe
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame detail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail
red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail

U nekim slučajevima, korisno je imati dodatnu lateks vreću za vaš vakuum krevet.

Ako vi i vaš partner oboje želite koristiti vakuum krevet s otvorom u preponama, udaljenost između otvora za disanje i prepona vjerojatno neće biti ista. Nije poželjno imati dva otvora za prepone na istom vakuum krevetu, jer bi neiskorišten otvor dopuštao ulazak zraka u krevet. Najbolje rješenje za ovakvu situaciju je kupnja jednog standardnog vakuum kreveta i jedne dodatne lateks vreće, kako biste vi i vaš partner oboje imali svoju vreću koja odgovara vašem tijelu.

Također, ako želite koristiti vakuum krevet u nekoliko različitih konfiguracija, nije potrebno kupovati cijeli krevet ponovno - jednostavno možete dodati drugu vreću vašoj narudžbi i tako sačuvati novac za nešto drugo.

Također ako je lateks vreća vašeg starog vakuum kreveta pri kraju životnog vijeka, nije potrebno ponovno kupovati cijeli vakuum krevet - okvir i drugi dijelovi obično traju puno dulje, tako da možete kupiti samo novu lateks vreću te tako imati novi vakuum krevet po nižoj cijeni!

Širina vreće je 100 cm . Standardna duljina je 200cm ( + 50cm za zatvaranje ). Na upit je moguće izraditi i veću vreću. Možete odabrati boju gornje i dolje strane zasebno. Možete također odabrati i deblju donju stranu i tanju gornju stranu - na taj način dobivate jak bondage učinak dok istovremeno gornja strana savršeno ocrtava vaše tijelo .

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Dostupne opcije
Opcija Cijena :
Boja po izboru0 GBP
cijev za disanje 6mm0 GBP
Nepropusna pričvršćena cijev za disanje25.51 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni okovratnik izrađen po mjeri ( glava je tada izvana )35.71 GBP
nepropusno - pričvršćena maska bez lica izrađena po mjeri132.65 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni plastični povez za usta52.72 GBP
attached made to measure latex gag91.84 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni plastični povez za usta s regulatorom disanja83.33 GBP
Attached half-mask , made to measure173.47 GBP
nepropusna pričvršćena maska izrađena po mjeri - dodajte zasebno u košaricu173.47 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni povez za usta sa cijevi za disanje - unutarnji promjer 5mm57.82 GBP
standardna debljina 0.4 mm0 GBP
Debljina 0.5mm – za svaku stranu17.01 GBP
Debljina 0.8mm – moguće samo za donju stranu49.32 GBP
Debljina 1.1mm – moguće samo za donju stranu76.5 GBP
nepropusni otvor u preponama ( nepropusno samo za muškarce )5.78 GBP
nepropusna pričvršćena navlaka za penis40.82 GBP
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame ) 33.67 GBP
Ekspresna izrada+50%
Dostupne opcije
U nekim slučajevima, korisno je imati dodatnu lateks vreću za vaš vakuum krevet.

Ako vi i vaš partner oboje želite koristiti vakuum krevet s otvorom u preponama, udaljenost između otvora za disanje i prepona vjerojatno neće biti ista. Nije poželjno imati dva otvora za prepone na istom vakuum krevetu, jer bi neiskorišten otvor dopuštao ulazak zraka u krevet. Najbolje rješenje za ovakvu situaciju je kupnja jednog standardnog vakuum kreveta i jedne dodatne lateks vreće, kako biste vi i vaš partner oboje imali svoju vreću koja odgovara vašem tijelu.

Također, ako želite koristiti vakuum krevet u nekoliko različitih konfiguracija, nije potrebno kupovati cijeli krevet ponovno - jednostavno možete dodati drugu vreću vašoj narudžbi i tako sačuvati novac za nešto drugo.

Također ako je lateks vreća vašeg starog vakuum kreveta pri kraju životnog vijeka, nije potrebno ponovno kupovati cijeli vakuum krevet - okvir i drugi dijelovi obično traju puno dulje, tako da možete kupiti samo novu lateks vreću te tako imati novi vakuum krevet po nižoj cijeni!

Širina vreće je 100 cm . Standardna duljina je 200cm ( + 50cm za zatvaranje ). Na upit je moguće izraditi i veću vreću. Možete odabrati boju gornje i dolje strane zasebno. Možete također odabrati i deblju donju stranu i tanju gornju stranu - na taj način dobivate jak bondage učinak dok istovremeno gornja strana savršeno ocrtava vaše tijelo .

Dostupne opcije
Opcija Cijena :
Boja po izboru0 GBP
cijev za disanje 6mm0 GBP
Nepropusna pričvršćena cijev za disanje25.51 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni okovratnik izrađen po mjeri ( glava je tada izvana )35.71 GBP
nepropusno - pričvršćena maska bez lica izrađena po mjeri132.65 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni plastični povez za usta52.72 GBP
attached made to measure latex gag91.84 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni plastični povez za usta s regulatorom disanja83.33 GBP
Attached half-mask , made to measure173.47 GBP
nepropusna pričvršćena maska izrađena po mjeri - dodajte zasebno u košaricu173.47 GBP
nepropusni pričvršćeni povez za usta sa cijevi za disanje - unutarnji promjer 5mm57.82 GBP
standardna debljina 0.4 mm0 GBP
Debljina 0.5mm – za svaku stranu17.01 GBP
Debljina 0.8mm – moguće samo za donju stranu49.32 GBP
Debljina 1.1mm – moguće samo za donju stranu76.5 GBP
nepropusni otvor u preponama ( nepropusno samo za muškarce )5.78 GBP
nepropusna pričvršćena navlaka za penis40.82 GBP
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame ) 33.67 GBP
Ekspresna izrada+50%
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame . This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
Ne zaboravite dodati: talk puder ( olakšava odijevanje ) - i sjajilo za lateks ( pojačava prirodni sjaj lateksa )
Talk puder
10.17 GBP
Sjajilo za lateks & lubrikant
14.97 GBP
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
15.27 GBP

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