Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
Precio: 17.92 EUR
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Disponibilidad: En stock, enviado en 1 - 2 días laborales

Makes dressing up into latex super easy ! Simply apply it to the inside of the garment . After you put the latex on , the lube solidifies after some time and makes the latex really stick to your skin , making for great second skin experience .

Easy to wash off with water . Neutral to your skin and latex , but do not apply to eyes and genitalia . Not suitable as latex polish – for that , use our silicone-based latex polish

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Makes dressing up into latex super easy ! Simply apply it to the inside of the garment . After you put the latex on , the lube solidifies after some time and makes the latex really stick to your skin , making for great second skin experience .

Easy to wash off with water . Neutral to your skin and latex , but do not apply to eyes and genitalia . Not suitable as latex polish – for that , use our silicone-based latex polish
No te olvides de añadirlo a tu pedido: talco (ayuda a vestirte más facilmente) - y abrillantador de látex (favorece el brillo natural del látex)
Polvos de talco
11.94 EUR
Abrillantador para látex & lubricante
17.56 EUR
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
17.92 EUR

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