Latex vacbed 205 x 150 cm - airtight , you can turn the vacuumcleaner off
Prix :18900 CZK
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black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame detail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail black latex vacbed with breathing hose and steel frame thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail
blue latex vacbed thumbnail blue latex vacbed thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail
red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail red latex vacbed with mask thumbnail

Latex vacbed - size XL - standard dimensions are 205x150 cm . Upon request it is possible to make the bed longer .

This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !

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Available options
Option Prix :
thickness 0.4mm - both sides0 CZK
thickness 0.5mm - both sides2100 CZK
standard frame – plastic0 CZK
extra strong stainless steel frame5950 CZK
breathing hole 6mm0 CZK
Airtight-attached breathing hose750 CZK
attached made to measure airtight collar ( head is then outside )1050 CZK
Airtight-attached made to measure mask without face3900 CZK
airtight-attached plastic gag1550 CZK
attached made to measure latex gag2700 CZK
airtight-attached gag with breathing regulation2450 CZK
Attached half-mask , made to measure5100 CZK
airtight-attached made to measure mask – add to cart separately5100 CZK
Airtight attached latex gag with breathing hose – inner diameter 5mm1700 CZK
airtight opening in crotch ( airtight only for men )170 CZK
airtight attached penis sheath1200 CZK
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame ) 1990 CZK
Length 240cm ( only with plastic frame ) 3900 CZK
Express manufacture+50%
Available options
Latex vacbed - size XL - standard dimensions are 205x150 cm . Upon request it is possible to make the bed longer .

This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !

Available options
Option Prix :
thickness 0.4mm - both sides0 CZK
thickness 0.5mm - both sides2100 CZK
standard frame – plastic0 CZK
extra strong stainless steel frame5950 CZK
breathing hole 6mm0 CZK
Airtight-attached breathing hose750 CZK
attached made to measure airtight collar ( head is then outside )1050 CZK
Airtight-attached made to measure mask without face3900 CZK
airtight-attached plastic gag1550 CZK
attached made to measure latex gag2700 CZK
airtight-attached gag with breathing regulation2450 CZK
Attached half-mask , made to measure5100 CZK
airtight-attached made to measure mask – add to cart separately5100 CZK
Airtight attached latex gag with breathing hose – inner diameter 5mm1700 CZK
airtight opening in crotch ( airtight only for men )170 CZK
airtight attached penis sheath1200 CZK
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame ) 1990 CZK
Length 240cm ( only with plastic frame ) 3900 CZK
Express manufacture+50%
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame . This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett . Detail of airtight-attached latex breathing hose. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
black latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached breathing hose and stainless steel frame. This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacuumbed / vakuumbett - detail view of attached made to measure face + airtight-attached breathing hose . Thanks to the face part , the vacbed perfectly copies your face and neck. Its also much more comfortable . Click to see full resolution image.
blue latex vacbed / vakuumbett with attached made to measure face and breathing hose and standard plastic frame ( stainless steel frame optional ). This vacuumbed creates very strong bondage . Because its airtight , you can enjoy it without noise of running vacuumcleaner . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.
red latex vacbed with attached mask ( transparent latex lens + attached latex hose) . Click to see full resolution image.

Vacbed - manuel

Cher client,
Merci pour l'intérêt que vous portez à ce vacbed en latex . Vous allez beaucoup vous amuser avec. Cependant , il y a un certain nombre de règles que vous devez respecter afin de l'utiliser avec sécurité . Nous avons listé un certain nombre d'astuces et conseils pour vous . Merci de les lire avant d'utiliser le vacbed .

n'utilisez jamais ce type de vacbed tout seul . Il s'agit d'un accessoire de bondage très solide et vous ne seriez pas en mesure d'en sortir seul, si quelquechose tournait mal . Avant de mettre en route l'aspirateur, toujours demander la permission de la personne à l'intérieur du vacbed . Convenez d'un signal d'alerte "STOP" avec votre partenaire en cas d'urgence . Il ne doit pas s'agir d'un signal vocal si vous utilisez un modèle de vacbed où la tête se trouve à l'intérieur . Quel que soit le moment auquel le signal est émis par votre partenaire, vous devez immédiatement faire cesser le vide et aider la pesonne à sortir . Un signal “STOP” ne doit JAMAIS être ignoré . Lorsque vous surveillez quelqu'un dans le vacbed, ne le laissez jamais tout seul , restez toujours en visuel et ne vous éloignez pas de plus de quelques mètres du vacbed , de sorte de pouvoir intervenir en cas de besoin .

Tout d'abord, assemblez l'armature selon le schéma . Puis enfilez le sac en latex par dessus l'armature - passez en premier le sac et le manchon par dessus la valve, puis continuez sur le reste du vacbed . Le manchon de latex doit être lisse autour de la valve , sans aucun pli - par lequel l'air pourrait pénétrer dans le vacbed . Il peut être plus aisé de lubrifier l'intérieur du vacbed avec un polish pour latex ( n'utilisez pas de talc à l'intérieur du vacbed - cela pourrait enpêcher la valve de fonctionner correctement) .

En utilisant le rouleau en aluminium , enroulez l'excédent du sac en latex . Veillez à l'enrouler de façon serrée et sans pli qui pourrait causer une fuite d'air . Puis, fixez les clips sur le rouleau afin d'assurer la fermeture . Attention de bien utiliser des bandes de latex épais entre les clips et le rouleau afin de ne pas endommager le sac en latex à cause des clips.

Connectez l'aspirateur au vacbed . Demandez à la personne à l'intérieur du vacbed la permission de mettre l'aspirateur en marche . Alors seulement vous pouvez mettre en marche l'aspirateur . Lorsque tout l'air a été aspiré , débranchez l'aspirateur du vacbed puis arrêtez-le . Si vous éteignez l'aspirateur alors qu'il est encore connecté, de l'air pourrait retourner dans le vacbed , puisque la valve à besoin d'un brusque changement de pression pour fonctionner correctement .

Vous n'avez qu'à dérouler la fermeture au niveau du rouleau, et séparer les deux couches du sac, le vacbed se regonflera instantanément .

Après chaque utilisation , lavez le vacbed au savon et à l'eau ( à la fois à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur ) . Puis laissez le sécher dans un endroit sec et à l'abri de la lumière . Lorsque il est sec sur un côté, retournez-le de sorte qu'il sèche sur l'autre côté .

Si le vacbed n'arrive pas à maintenir le vide plus de 5 min , vous devez trouver la fuite . La plupart du temps, c'est la fermeture avec le rouleau qui est en cause . Vérifiez qu'il n'y a absolument aucun pli et que le sac est enroulé de façon serrée . Il peut être utile de le lubrifier avec du silicone . Si cela ne suffit pas, vérifiez la valve : plongez le côté étroit de la valve d'environ 2 cm dans l'eau, puis soufflez de l'autre côté . Aucune bulle ne doit en sortir . Si des bulles apparaissent , essayez de faire circuler un peu d'eau à travers la valve , laissez-la sécher, puis versez quelques gouttes d'huile de silicone à l'intérieur ( par le côté étroit ) . Faites un nouvel essai .

Si vous avez quelque problème que ce soit et que vous ne trouver pas la réponse dans ce manuel , n'hésitez pas à nous poser la question .

Nous vous souhaitons d'agréables moments avec notre vacbed

Don´t forget to add to your order : talc ( makes dressing up easier ) - and latex polish ( enhances natural gloss of latex )
Talc powder
299 CZK
Latex polish & lube
440 CZK
Water-based latex lubricant , 600ml
449 CZK

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